In Chinese and Russian communist societies, individual property was not allowed and private wealth was traditionally suspicious. 中国和俄罗斯社会主义社会,历史上个人不得拥有财产,私人财富是令人怀疑的。
An example of this might be the individual who has accrued the wealth in order to purchase the land that a new community of ascending individuals is to inhabit. 这类事例之一是,有人聚集财富来购买土地,以容纳提升团体的居住。
Weak group refers to the group of people who have less ability to create social wealth and obtain individual income, have no way to accumulate wealth and poor ability to compete for employment and to survive. 弱势群体是特指那些创造社会财富、获取个人收入能力弱,积累财富无门路,就业竞争力和基本生存能力差的人群。
To an individual anything is wealth, which, though useless in itself, enables him to claim from others a part of their stock of things useful or pleasant. 但对于个人来说,某样东西虽然本身是无用的,但只要能使他从别人那里换到有用的或可供享受的东西,便是财富。
It should therefore regulate prices and insure to each individual his proportionate share of the national wealth. 因此,它应该调控物价,并确保每一个人对国家财富成适当比例的共享。
With the change of individual wealth, there gradually appears the deficiency of current individual income tax system, including classified income tax and taxation modes. 我国的个人所得税制度已经不能适应目前经济发展水平的需要,对个人所得税制度的修改和完善已经迫在眉睫。
Brazil, although showing more modest millionaire numbers, is also becoming a powerhouse of individual wealth. 巴西尽管百万富翁人数相对较少,但也正逐渐成为拉动个人财富增长的重要地区。
But it produces individual Wall Street executive wealth only slowly, and only when Wall Street produces increases in national wealth. 不过这种方式只能在华尔街为社会创造财富的时候,使得高层人士慢慢的变得富有。
Transfer to my other individual insurance policy or Wealth Management product. 转移至本人其他之指定个人保险保单或财富管理部之产品。
Sales of individual wealth management products in China shot up in the last quarter of2007 as banks expanded their product offerings, the banking regulator said yesterday. 中国理财产品销售量大幅飙升中国银行业监管机构昨日表示,随着各银行扩大产品种类,2007年最后一个季度中国个人理财产品销售额大幅飙升。
The China Banking Regulatory Commission has released detailed rules for individual wealth management businesses commercial banks. 中国银监会发布了关于商业银行个人理财产品的详细规则。
Their empires arose almost as a by-product of the individual pursuit of wealth. 他们的企业王国的兴起几乎是追求个人财富的附带产生物。
Those working in the financial services industry are barred, however, and the group focuses on how to handle individual wealth. 不过,那些金融服务业的从业人士会被拒之门外,该团体专注于如何打理个人财富。
Most established private banks insist their individual wealth managers do not stray too far from a house view. 大多数老牌私人银行都声称,它们的每个理财经理都不会过于偏离公司的风格。
Currently, the uneven distribution of income is mainly represented by the decreasing ratio of the income from the individual labor force to that from the whole wealth factors. 中国当前的收入分配不均主要表现为居民劳动力收入在整个要素财富分配中的比重越来越低。
In a nutshell, his study finds that Chinese people have an almost American tolerance for the accumulation of individual wealth, which they attribute largely to effort and education. 简单地说,他的调查发现,对于个人财富的积累,中国人抱有一种近乎于美国式的宽容,他们认为这主要归功于个人努力和所接受的教育。
But is this recovery in individual wealth in emerging markets sustainable? 那么,新兴市场个人财富回升的趋势是否能够持续呢?
The increased earnings were driven by improved margins in individual insurance and individual wealth management businesses partially offset by less favourable long-term disability claims results in group benefits. 盈利增加是因为个人保险及个人理财业务边际溢利上升所致,但由于团体保险之长期伤残理赔表现未如理想,抵销部分的盈利收入。
With the successful reform in China for almost 30 years, the individual wealth is amassing tremendously. 随着我国计划经济局面的打破和近三十年来促进经济持续增长的成功改革,经济社会中个人财产大量聚集。
We prove that the CAPM for the risky fund, and find that the CAPM based on preferences for wealth holds true when the pricing kernel consists of individual investors 'optimal consumption and wealth. 本文首先证明了基于风险基金的资产定价模型,然后使用该模型证明了如果定价的基准是单个的投资者的最优消费和财富时,那么基于财富偏好的资产定价模型成立。
In the period, individual wealth is an important signal, but not a sole signal. 其中个人财富只是一个重要信号,而不是惟一信号。
These will be propitious to exert individual talents adequately and create ample substantial wealth and immaterial wealth for society and other people in order to accelerate the realization of individual value. 这有利于充分发挥个人才能,为社会和他人创造丰富的物质财富和精神财富,促进个人价值实现。
With the growth of individual wealth, which some people have a strong financial needs. 随着个人财富的增长,这部分人产生了强烈的理财需求。
Private bank is a kind of business that banks supply High Net Worth Individual with the top professional, to wealth management and financial security as the core package of financial services. 私人银行是银行面向高净值客户提供的顶级专业化的、以财富管理和财务保障为核心的一揽子金融服务。
Put the individual ethics, family ethics, wealth ethics, community ethics and environment ethics "ought" to construct harmonious state, with new rural matching ethics system to provide the reference. 提出个体伦理、家庭伦理、财富伦理、社区伦理、环境伦理的应然状态,为构建与和谐新农村相匹配的伦理道德体系提供参考。
The university students 'value orientation tends to selfishness and practicality, the desires of pursue individual ability and wealth of society is stronger, the more possibility of entrepreneurship. 大学生创业的价值定位趋向于利已性与实用性,其对个人能力、社会财富的追求欲望越强,创业的可能性越大。
Through financial means to realize value preserving and appreciation of individual wealth become a public economic behavior gradually. This has put forward higher requirement for all financial product, financial instrument and financial system. 对个人财富通过金融手段进行保值增值正逐渐成为一种大众经济行为,这对于金融产品、金融工具和金融制度都提出了更高的要求。
Some typical of the country prior to the individual housing property tax, has a wealth of experience in this field. 一些典型的国家先于我国征收个人住房房产税,在这方面有着丰富的经验。
The inequity of education will lead to other inequalities, such as individual development, personal wealth, and the social status etc. Equitable education is a balancer of opportunity equality between the rich and the poor. 教育的不平等导致个人发展、个人财富和社会地位等其他方面的不平等。
Testamentary succession is individual property and social wealth to flow and continue, one of the important ways of freedom is necessarily its proper meaning of, because everybody should respect the dead to his front of entrust behind things. 遗嘱继承是个人财产与社会财富得以流转和延续的重要方式之一,自由是其应有之义,因为每个人都应尊重死者生前对自己身后事物的嘱托。